MIWA's Japanese Healthy Cooking_Matsu
My Japanese cooking course will help busy parents, professionals, and alike to learn how to establish healthy eating habits by teaching the fundamentals of Japanese cooking, meal planning, and meal prepping.
Course Plan
How to make a best use of this course
Day1: Self Check Assignment
Understanding the general principles of traditional Japanese cooking
Introducing Japanese condiments and ingredients
さしすせそ(Sa Shi Su Se So) Rule
Day2-1: Japanese Ingredients Chart
Day2-1: Assignment
Understanding basic nutrients
まごはやさしい(Ma Go Wa Ya Sa Shi I) ingredients
Things to keep in mind when you are cooking
Assignment 1
Cook and Post it on Thinkfic community group
Get familiar with Japanese condiments
Day3: Assignment - Pick a recipe and cook in your kitchen. Please upload the picture of your food on our Thinkfic Community Group
Day 3 - Assignment
Reference for assingment - Let's make 2 Japanese popular dishes together!
Introduction to Dashi
Why is dashi good for your health?
How to make dashi
Day4: Assignment - Make your own Dashi and Miso soup. Once completed, please upload the picture of your creation on our Thinkfic Community Group
Reference for assignment - Make Miso Soup Together
Day4 Assignment
Reference - Recipes using Dashi
Reference - Recipes re-using Dashi ingredients
The benefits of incorporating fermented foods into your diet
Miwa's daily Japanese fermented products
4 Habits for a healthy gut
Day5: Assignment (Takeaway)
Day5: Assignment
By practicing a Japanese traditional cooking method called - ichijyuu sannsai- she has brought back balance to her health, happiness, less stress and more family time. Her whole meal planning system will allow you to live a wholesome life with less stress around what to cook, less dishes, less mess and more time.